Are the holidays the Season to Be Sued? If your a small business, YES!


Using Good Judgment and Common Sense Holiday events and celebrations sometimes bring with them the notion that reveling and holiday fun trump good judgment and common sense. This should never be the case. Notions of costume parties, theme parties and similar events where employees are encouraged (or worse, directed) to wear clothing that is inappropriately [...]

Are the holidays the Season to Be Sued? If your a small business, YES!2016-11-29T09:10:05-08:00

Are the holidays the Season to Be Sued? If your a small business, YES!


Providing Transportation Transportation can be an issue for employers regardless of whether alcohol is being served at the holiday party. In any event, when it comes to transportation, here are some tips employers can follow: *Remind employees not to drive if they intend to drink. *Provide alternative transportation options for all employees at company expense. [...]

Are the holidays the Season to Be Sued? If your a small business, YES!2016-11-23T13:15:17-08:00

Are the holidays the Season to Be Sued? If your a small business, YES!


Serving Food By serving food in conjunction with alcohol, employers can help diminish the effects of alcohol and prevent employees from becoming intoxicated at the holiday party. Here are some steps employers can take: *Have food available at all times so that employees do not drink on empty stomachs. *Serve finger food that is easier [...]

Are the holidays the Season to Be Sued? If your a small business, YES!2016-11-14T11:36:06-08:00

Are the holidays the Season to Be Sued? If your a small business, YES!


Serving Alcohol The safest recommendation is, of course, to skip the alcohol altogether. Indeed, very few complaints stem from holiday parties that did not involve the consumption of alcohol. However, if you choose to permit alcohol to be served (in strict moderation) at a company sponsored event, as most employers do, here are some ways [...]

Are the holidays the Season to Be Sued? If your a small business, YES!2016-11-07T13:15:10-08:00

What are the most common holiday accidents?


Remember the scene in which Clark Griswold’s over-lubricated sled sends him flying down a tree-covered hill into oncoming traffic and eventually a Wal-Mart nativity scene? Or the scene in which Uncle Louis sets the Christmas tree, and himself, on fire while lighting his cigar? ‘Tis the season for house fires. Each year over 400 Americans [...]

What are the most common holiday accidents?2016-11-04T10:17:04-07:00
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