What if I am scared to go to my doctors office during the pandemic?


Though many clients fear the notion of going to the doctor’s office, it is important they continue to seek the medical help, testing, and monitoring that they need for the betterment of their health and the strength of their case. Personal injury attorneys should find solutions for their clients to obtain medical care through Telemedicine.

What if I am scared to go to my doctors office during the pandemic?2020-08-11T09:09:55-07:00

With these new times should I keep a copy of my medical records?


Maintaining strong medical records is a perquisite for a good personal injury case. While clients may not be able to see their doctors as they would under normal circumstances, they can help their own case by managing their own medical information. By keeping a dated journal with exact dates of diagnoses, changes or worsening of [...]

With these new times should I keep a copy of my medical records?2020-08-06T10:07:34-07:00

Are Insurance companies still investigating and paying claims during the Pandemic?


First and foremost, California insurance companies are still paying liability and health insurance claims during this crisis. Under California Insurance Code §790.03, insurance agencies must still investigate, process, and pay insurance claims. The state government has informed insurance companies that this statute still applies during the ongoing pandemic in a notice issued on March 18, [...]

Are Insurance companies still investigating and paying claims during the Pandemic?2020-08-04T11:05:05-07:00

Can I sue for more than policy limits?


If the policy limits of the liable person cover your damages, then you can simply focus on collecting what you can from the insurance company. However, since this might not be the case, you have the option to exercise your right to personally sue the individual or people whose negligence caused your accident.

Can I sue for more than policy limits?2019-10-28T14:15:50-07:00

How do I choose car insurance?


Do an annual rate check. Check rates from other companies to make sure you are getting the best deal. ... Pick a top-rated insurer. ... Maintain good credit. ... Set the right deductible. ... Review your coverage. ... Report reduced mileage. ... Watch crash repairs. ... Choose the right car.

How do I choose car insurance?2019-10-22T09:00:17-07:00

Can insurance companies pay more than policy limits?


After all, "if" the insurer has to pay a claim up to the policy limits, surely, then, you can make them simply pay up to that amount and be done. The general rule, however, is that insurance companies must negotiate "reasonably toward settlement up to and including the policy limits."

Can insurance companies pay more than policy limits?2019-10-10T14:10:18-07:00

What is policy limit demand?


Standards applied to insurance company's evaluation of a policy limit demand. Insurance companies are obligated to look for opportunities to settle claims within the policy limit. Liability insurers must accept a policy limit settlement offer when the amount of the judgment is “likely” to exceed the policy limit.

What is policy limit demand?2019-10-07T09:56:02-07:00

Can you sue your insurance company for more than the policy limits?


Sometimes, more than one party can be held legally and financially responsible for an accident. ... This would mean that if there were two defendants and each had a policy limit of $50,000, both of those defendant's policies could be used to pay the bills.

Can you sue your insurance company for more than the policy limits?2019-10-02T10:15:18-07:00

What are coverage limits?


The amount of insurance you purchase is usually called your policy limit, or limit of coverage. It's the maximum amount your insurance company will pay for a particular loss or losses, subject to the terms and conditions of your insurance policy. Each policy is unique and may include a variety of limits.

What are coverage limits?2019-09-20T11:51:52-07:00

What is recommended for car insurance coverage?


State minimum-coverage limits are too low to protect the assets of most motorists. Unless your income and assets are minimal, buy at least $100,000 per person, $300,000 per accident. Property damage: Property-damage liability covers repair or replacement of other people's cars and property.

What is recommended for car insurance coverage?2019-09-10T10:50:23-07:00
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