California’s new laws for 2015: How are you affected?


Hundreds of California laws take effect with the new year, including several drafted in response to corruption    scandals in the Legislature, the mass shooting in Isla Vista last spring and racially inflammatory comments by the former owner of the Los Angeles Clippers. Others address drug crimes, the use of aerial drones by paparazzi and rights [...]

California’s new laws for 2015: How are you affected?2015-11-18T21:08:26-08:00

New California state laws for 2015 include:


BABIES •Breast feeding: Large airports in California must provide, behind the security screening and separate from restrooms, a room where women can express breast milk. •Maternity leave: State universities may not require female graduate students to take leaves of absence for pregnancies and must allow those who do take leaves to return in good standing. [...]

New California state laws for 2015 include:2015-11-14T11:14:03-08:00

California Negligence Laws


In California, as in other states, the plaintiff must be able to demonstrate the following elements in order to prove negligence on the part of the defendant: The defendant had a duty (to either commit an act or refrain from committing an act) The defendant breached this duty (was "negligent" in his or her duty) [...]

California Negligence Laws2015-11-11T10:01:39-08:00
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